‘Business As Usual’ For Door & Hardware Federation Amid COVID-19 Challenge
Door & Hardware Federation (DHF) is keen to reiterate to its members and the wider industry that, despite the challenges faced by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s very much ‘business as usual’. Just two weeks ago, the proactive Tamworth-based trade association successfully launched its online training facility, and in so doing, responded swiftly to the continuing need to provide online training courses for its members and the industry as a whole. Although not a complete substitute for the face-to-face training courses, initial feedback has been positive.
“We are very pleased with the response to our online training courses which provide knowledge from all elements of our courses, and indeed, we will continue to explore more in-depth ways of offering effective online learning, post-lockdown,” says Head of Commercial Operations, Patricia Sowsbery-Stevens. “As an organisation, we have been swift in responding to the changing environment, which further demonstrates the progressive nature of DHF and its dedicated staff.”
In addition to digital learning, DHF has initiated its back-to-work phase, with staff members returning to the office, albeit continuing to adhere to social distancing rules. In this way, employees can continue to offer potential and existing members the complete benefits of a fully functioning office. With much of the UK starting to consider a return to work, DHF has also reported that a number of its members have returned to their offices this week. In the wider construction industry, Redrow, Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey have all announced plans to return to work.
“Since mid-March, businesses and organisations, UK-wide, have had to face unprecedented change and disruption, but by focusing on how we can best serve our members, we are continuing to deliver,” concludes Patricia. “DHF is proud of its response to the crisis in keeping the industry informed of on-going developments, continuing to deliver the highest quality of training, and to its stoic commitment to ‘business as usual’. We are here for our members and ready to serve.”