Smile Shield

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Safe, Clear Communication

The Smile Shield™ has changed the way people connect. Offering Type IIR Protection, yet allowing clear communication through a clear panel.

The Smile Shield™ is a Medical Mask compliant to EN14683 Type IIR Specifications with a clear front panel which makes the mouth visible to facilitate clear communication with people who rely on lip reading and facial expressions to support communication. This includes people who are deaf, have a learning disability, autism or dementia.

Watch the Smile Shield™ Video!

Smile Shield™ is recommended for:

● Hospital Use, e.g. Audiology - Midwifery - Elderly Wards - Learning Difficulties
● Disabled Homes
● Care Homes
● Children, e.g. Education
● Emergency Services
● Customer Service areas, e.g. Reception
● Areas where clearer communication & protection are required.

Smile Shield

13 Oakfield Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2AJ

Telephone: 01179112830

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact Form:

The Smile Shield being worn