The Perfect Partnership: Why Layered Physical Security Is Crucial For The Modern Facilities Manager

A selection of door locks with alphanumeric keypads Modern buildings are complex constructions that require a large degree of security management to protect against intrusion. Tommy Geddes, Commercial Director for George Boyd speaks to FMUK about the importance of layered physical security for the modern FM.

The modern facilities manager has a huge number of responsibilities across their site, whether that incorporates just a single building or multiple different locations across a wider premises. From straightforward maintenance and upkeep, right through to vital health and safety activities such as implementing fire evacuation protocols and procedures, the role of the facility manager is ever expanding to fit the multiple needs of occupants and commercial tenants.

One of the most critical roles that the facilities manager must play is that of the arbiter of security for the building or site they control. Every manager needs to be aware of the live state of each specific access point to a site, keep a watchful eye on any areas vulnerable to intrusion as well as tracking residents or occupants as they enter or leave the building or site both for security reasons and health and safety purposes.

With the multitude of responsibilities on their shoulders from a security perspective, implementing a security plan that reduces the demands on both time and attention should be a top priority. It’s in this area that the concept of a multi-layered approach to physical security can make a massive difference, with its unique approach to site management giving facilities managers the support they need to effectively manage security across a site of any size.

The theory of multi-layered security is built from centuries of expertise in defence and security, stretching all the way back to the mediaeval period and the huge castles and hill forts that dominated the landscape. These massive installations utilised an effective multi-layered approach that included moats, trenches, barricades and large walls to deter intrusion.

Today, a multi-layered approach is tackled rather differently. Facilities managers can take advantage of a networked approach, building both physical security measures and digital security apparatus into a tightly controlled mesh of protection measures that can cover an entire site.

It is the combination of measures in an efficient and effective manner that creates a strong security system. For example, careful security camera placement, twinned with physical measures like heavy-duty gates and guard posts or desks enables the facilities manager to identify any potential risk factors and eliminate threats before they escalate.

Technology can also play a critical role in your overall security network. Far from the traditional lock and key, the latest digital access control systems often allow you to view the current status of an entryway from a central database, enabling you to see whether a door or window is open or closed and locked or unlocked from your computer. An increasing number of digital access controls also include an auditable access trail, allowing for security staff to track entries through specific employee or resident codes.

To develop a comprehensive network, consider where you’re likely to need the most security in your site map. If areas are off-limits, or contain sensitive or restricted items, consider implementing digital access control that can provide audit trails in case of a loss or theft. Parts of a building or site that are outside of a patrol route or are otherwise hard to access should be covered with rotational cameras that reduce the need to staff parts of a building or site by offering full visibility of an area.

For facilities managers, the earlier that you can get involved in a project, the better. If you can use your insights to help the specifier build a comprehensive security plan that enables you to create efficiencies across your site, you’ll give both yourself and your clients peace of mind.

The Perfect Partnership: Why Layered Physical Security Is Crucial For The Modern Facilities Manager