How To Keep Your Office Germ-Free During The Flu Season: Top 5 Tips From A Cleaning Specialist

Shaun Doak, CEO of REACT Specialist Cleaning By Shaun Doak, CEO of REACT Specialist Cleaning.

Flu season has come early this year. About five million people in the UK catch it each year, usually from December through to May. But UK Health Security Agency data shows that flu infections rose by over 8% in the week leading into the end of October. The wave has started.

Facilities managers should be concerned about this because British businesses are already experiencing mass sickness-related staff absences. People are also now working more frequently in the office compared to the past couple of years, which will increase their risk of catching a viral infection. This means that employers and clients will demand facilities managers do as much as possible to maintain hygienic working environments.

These are my five tips for those who want up-to-date cleaning advice.

1. Focus On Frequent Touch Points

Your resources may not allow you to cover every nook and every cranny of the facilities you manage. This will depend on the size of its rooms and your budget - variables outside your control. It’s important, then, that you focus on the areas and rooms that people use most, and the surfaces within those places that they touch the most. These will be where they are more likely to pick up the most infectious bacteria and viruses.

There’s no special science to identifying these places. You can figure it out by basic deduction. Door handles, of course, will always harbour lots of bacteria. Light switches and toilet handles too. Don’t forget the pieces of equipment like keyboards and computer mice that staff use throughout the day as well.

2. Allow Fresh Air Into The Facility

One of the reasons people catch more illnesses in winter is because they close doors and windows to stay warm. This prevents the circulation of fresh air from outside. Some might assume that this would prevent the entry of germs. But germs are already inside, and this warm environment provides the perfect harbour for them to breed in.

People working in your facility might want to keep windows and doors closed during working hours. While the facility is being cleaned, use this time to let some fresh air in. This is known to reduce the chance of people catching an infection in the room by as much as 80%.

3. Run Ventilation Systems Before The Day Starts

Ventilation systems are turned off outside working hours to reduce energy consumption. This means that a lot of air can become trapped in the systems while turned off. This stagnant air can become a harbour for germs, and is then pumped back into the facility once switched on again.

It’s best to turn the ventilation systems on an hour before staff begin arriving at the facility to prevent this. The ventilation system will be circulating clean air by the time they arrive, and you'll still have conserved energy by turning the system off outside working hours.

4. Clean In Two Steps

Many people will clean their facilities with a simple cleaning fluid, such as soapy water. That works well during the summer and for households used by a small number of people. In the winter, when people are at higher risk of infection, the job requires a more comprehensive method.

The best strategy is to approach a clean in two steps. First, remove bacteria and dust with a neutral cleaning solution, like soapy water. Once this is done, clean the most important areas again with a strong virucidal disinfectant. This will ensure that even the most hardy viruses are cleared from the facility.

5. Clean At Regular Intervals

You can achieve an even cleaner facility by encouraging staff to implement their own measures. They could wipe down door handles once a day or use disinfectant after going to toilets.

You should also schedule deep cleans conducted by professional cleaning companies that have the skills and access to equipment to thoroughly remove traces of bacteria or germs, into your regular cleaning routines every month. This will make sure that every surface is cleaned at least once, even if your resources cannot cover them every day or week.

Flu season is upon us and business leaders will be keen to mitigate the impact on their workforces. Facilities managers can do their part by following these tips to create a safe and hygienic working environment.