Why FM Managers Must Prioritise Purposeful Investment In Workplace Tech

A busy, tech-orientated office Facilities managers continue to find new uses for technology in the workplace – but is the development always purposeful? Simi Gandhi-Whitaker, Strategic Technology Director at Mitie, discusses five ways to be smart about your workplace tech investments.

As an industry, we often talk about the best ways to harness tech and data to improve spaces. While it is true that innovation has tremendous potential to drive improvements, facilities managers must consider the added value of their investment decisions when it comes to answering users' core needs. How do we ensure these tech investments are truly worthwhile tools - and not just toys?

Outcomes First, Then Implementation

Forget about the shiny new tech you think your office needs and start with the results you want to achieve. Every workspace is unique, so there’s no one size fits all approach. Therefore, FM leaders must first think about the business needs within each working area, focusing on the outcome they want from a potential solution. From there, it is far easier to select and invest in the right products that will ensure the greatest experience for users – with the best return on any investment.

Make The Data Work For You

Data is key to measuring success and gaining insight across a business, but it can be misleading if used incorrectly. Companies can often fall into the habit of collecting data on everything, which isn’t always helpful. In doing so, they run the risk of being overwhelmed by vast amounts of information which they cannot process properly or even do anything with. This can lead to the most valuable insights being buried under all the noise, distorting the true picture which leads to companies developing solutions that are not in tune with the needs of a particular workspace. It sounds obvious, but FMs must first focus on what challenges they are trying to address, so they know what insights to seek from their data sets.

Outside The Office Walls

When investing in workplace technology, we must not forget the needs of colleagues in non-office work environments too. Businesses will typically invest in products based on the insights they have collected within a central work environment, such as office headquarters. However, those working on the front line and in the field, such as cleaners, engineers, and security officers, are likely to experience different needs. Basing tech investment decisions solely on the needs of office workers could lead to an ignorance of the needs within alternative workspaces, which is why it is important to ensure that every workspace is adequately assessed to deliver a consistent and well-rounded service, especially within larger businesses.

Collaboration And Communication

FM is an industry where collaboration is key to success. It is vital that we are seen as thought leaders and constantly in conversation with customers and colleagues to advise on best practice. Understanding the needs of people using the space leads to identifying spaces that would truly benefit from the implementation of technology. This line of communication is important to ensuring that all innovations brought in are purposeful and add genuine value to users of them. Operating a test and learn mindset with continuous feedback will also ensure any technology can be fine-tuned to ensure it keeps meeting the needs of the space or even adapted over time when those needs change.

The Human Experience

It can be easy for FM managers to get caught up in industry and tech trends and lose sight of the end users. For any new product being implemented, there may be a range of people from varying roles looking to use it, and while sophistication can help with a product’s performance, we must also consider its usability – especially where there is a high cost involved. There is little point in implementing costly, high-tech solutions if they are inaccessible for the majority of the workforce. Whilst new tech trends can make for exciting toys, the real investment benefit comes from keeping the outcome front and centre. In addressing real workplace challenges, tech rapidly becomes a valuable tool.

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Why FM Managers Must Prioritise Purposeful Investment In Workplace Tech