7 Questions To Ask During Your Next B2B Event

People talking at a B2B event

Running a B2B company is all about building relationships and achieving loyalty. Attaining an existing customer is far more profitable – and cost-efficient – than focusing on new customers, and one of the best ways to do this is through the many marketing channels that you will be utilising as a start-up company.

One of the most beneficial b2b marketing channels remains in-person events. This is a way to actually see your customers face-to-face, listening to important feedback whilst also removing any walls between your brand and its clients, helping to further humanise your business and achieve that loyalty.

That being said, an in-person event must be carefully orchestrated, and you, as a business leader, must find a way to glean the most advantageous information. This is done through closely curated questions that you can ask your clients, helping them to feel valued and yourself to have a full idea of how your business is performing – and how it might do better.

With this in mind, here are seven of the most important questions you need to ask and why they might be the difference when it comes to a thriving company.

Where Did You First Hear About Us?

The first question and perhaps the most important. As a B2B company, you will have a number of other marketing channels, and it’s highly beneficial to know exactly where your customer has found you and what you need to focus on.

If, for instance, the majority of customers are claiming they found you through Instagram, then you have the opportunity to maximise your budget on that platform and really utilise the amenities it has to offer.

What Makes You So Interested In The Brand?

This is where your customer will explain the problem and then the solution. The reason this is an important question is that you need to know the extent of the problem itself and whether your company might be missing a trick. If the answer doesn’t give you the result you were after, then be more specific with your next question…

Are We Solving All Of Your Problems?

You know already that you are solving a problem, but are you solving the extent of that problem? This is a win-win question. Essentially, if they say no, then you can ask them how you can improve. If they say yes, then this is a positive affirmation that is just as beneficial. There are many reasons why positive feedback is so powerful, and it doesn’t hurt to hear the positives rather than the negatives!

How Was The Purchasing Experience?

Onto the next question, there is always room to improve. Most websites will suggest that you ask, “how can we make ourselves better”? but this is a very vague question that will likely lead to a vague answer. The customer doesn’t want to say outright how they think you should improve your own business. Instead, you need to streamline your question and make it more “subject-specific”.

Do You Enjoy The Social Media Experience?

Social media has become one of the most beneficial platforms for brands in 2023. Oftentimes, the difference between success and failure resides in a strong social media presence. In this way, it is important to know how the customer finds the social media experience and whether it’s getting them closer to the brand. That’s what it’s all about, after all; knocking down the wall to maximise your transparency.

Do You Feel Engaged With What We’re Doing?

This is another crucial point. To gain loyalty in B2B, the customer has to be engaged in the brand itself – a point that will make them pass on any competitor who offers the same service as you. An engaged customer is often a loyal customer, so be direct with this question and get a feeling for your performance.

How Can We Get You To Come Back?

This might be quite similar to the last question, but it’s far more focused and puts the emphasis on the customer themselves. It shows them that they are valued by your company and that you want them, specifically, to return. It could also give you a few ideas for the future when it comes to innovation and how to integrate more arms into your brand.

Image Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/MAnhvw0nDDY