Technology Will Fast-Track You To Success
– How Facilities Managers Can Get On Board

The London building skyline, with a digital overlay effect By Grant Chaplin, Managing Director, Grosvenor Systems.

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, facilities managers face increasing demands from tenants who expect efficient operations, seamless communication, and exceptional service. To stay afloat in this competitive landscape, managers must harness the power of technology to streamline their processes, optimise resource allocation, and meet the rising expectations of tenants.

By leveraging innovative proptech tools and solutions, facilities managers can enhance their ability to deliver exceptional experiences, proactively address maintenance needs, and ensure the smooth functioning of buildings. From open banking software to enhancing security and sustainability credentials, there are various ways technology can empower managers and enable them to stay ahead of the curve in providing high-quality services.

Bolster The Defences

With BT’s security chief branding ‘exceptional’ cyberattacks as the new normal, there is mounting pressure on digital infrastructure to keep user data safe. Technology can be utilised to enhance information security through off-site hosting. Through using a third party, facilities managers can rely on encryption techniques, two-factor authentication, and cybersecurity experts to protect financial data, tenant information, and other confidential records. By prioritising data privacy and protection, managers can build trust with tenants, mitigate the risk of data breaches, and comply with relevant data regulations.

Cutting Carbon Footprints

As much as security is a key concern for managers, sustainability is also high up the agenda, as it should be. Of course, technology is on hand to track, measure and report sustainability metrics like EPC rating improvements or HVAC system efficiency. But it is important to consider the carbon output of these systems. With on-site servers emitting an enormous 975kg of CO2e per year on average, servers run on renewables are the way forwards and provide an easy cost-cutting method for managers and tenants alike. Buildings that convert to cloud-based models or off-site hosting platforms can improve their sustainability credentials whilst also advancing towards the wider goal of net zero.

Putting Tenant Expectations First

Facilities managers can unlock the key to seamless tenant communication by adopting robust management software. Managers can access real-time-information about all aspects of the tenancy from the click of a button. By providing real-time data and automated processes, these tools enhance accuracy, improve financial decision-making, and facilitate efficient budget planning. These smart features allow more time to focus on value-add services – a win-win for tenants and managers.

With ONS data reporting that average private rental prices increased by around 4.8% in April 2023, tenants are facing the financial squeeze and expectation is on the rise. By leveraging technology, facilities managers can prioritise tenant satisfaction, comfort, and convenience. Falling short of these types of expectations can have damaging effects – tenants can now easily take to social media to voice complaints and threaten crucial reputations. The integration of accounting services, data analytics, and seamless communication platforms allows for personalised experiences and efficient issue resolution. Ultimately, technology can empower managers to create a tenant-centric environment that meets the evolving expectations of modern occupants.

Astute facilities managers are exploring novel methods to automate their day-to-day functions to meet growing tenant demands but also create more time to focus on value-add services to support long-term business growth. By utilising innovative tools and solutions, managers can streamline operations, proactively address sustainability and security needs, and deliver high-quality customer service. Those who fail to adopt new methods and technologies risk falling behind the curve and losing their client base to innovative companies that offer seamless experiences from start to finish.

Technology Will Fast-Track You To Success – How Facilities Managers Can Get On Board