Choosing A Reputable Water Supplier:
Top Tips For Facilities Managers

A droplet creating ripples in a pool of water

Facilities managers constantly juggle multiple responsibilities, ensuring that each facet of a building’s operation runs smoothly. One pivotal area is ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality water for the premises. Selecting the right water supplier is paramount, not only to guarantee uninterrupted supply but also to ensure the health and safety of building occupants.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring water quality is paramount for facilities managers. When vetting potential suppliers, one must investigate the source of the water and the purification processes they employ. Seek out suppliers that adhere to the strictest industry standards and have accreditations from recognised bodies. Request regular water quality reports. This transparent communication not only reinforces trust but ensures that you’re always abreast of the water’s purity levels.

Environmental Commitment

The sustainability practices of a water supplier hold great significance. Facilities managers should prioritise suppliers with robust environmental policies, ensuring the responsible sourcing and distribution of water. Evaluate the supplier’s efforts in reducing carbon footprints, plastic usage, and wastage. A commitment to using renewable energy sources or sustainable packaging can be a significant plus point.

Beyond the supplier’s own practices, ascertain if they offer support or guidance in helping businesses reduce their water consumption and wastage. This not only portrays the supplier’s commitment to the environment but also aids facilities managers in improving the building’s overall eco-friendliness.

Customer Support and Service Level Agreements

Every facilities manager knows the value of prompt and efficient customer support. Before finalising a water supplier, investigate their track record in this domain. Examine their response times, availability, and the efficiency of resolving issues. A reputable water supplier should offer 24/7 support, ensuring that any disruptions or concerns are promptly addressed. It’s a good idea to get help from the professionals – you can compare business water rates with the experts over at the Business Water Shop, ensuring you get the right level of customer care.

Scrutinise the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) offered. These contracts detail the standard of service you should expect, offering a measure of protection should issues arise. Comprehensive SLAs are a testament to a supplier’s confidence in delivering consistently high-quality service and should be an essential criterion in the selection process.

Cost-efficiency and Transparency

While cost shouldn’t be the sole determining factor, it’s an undeniably crucial consideration for facilities managers. Seek suppliers that offer a harmonious blend of quality and cost-efficiency. A low price point that compromises on quality can lead to greater expenses in the long run, from health and safety concerns to maintenance issues.

The supplier’s pricing model should be transparent. Hidden charges or ambiguous terms can lead to unexpected costs. Facilities managers should, therefore, insist on clear, upfront pricing structures, ensuring predictability and enabling effective budgeting.

Flexibility and Adaptability

The needs of a facility can evolve over time, influenced by factors like building expansion, increased occupancy, or changing regulations. As such, it’s essential to engage with a water supplier that displays flexibility. Assess if the supplier can efficiently handle increased demands or adjust to changes in your requirements without major disruptions or steep price hikes.

A Brief Summary

For facilities managers, choosing a water supplier is not a decision to be taken lightly. It’s a balance of quality assurance, environmental commitment, exceptional customer service, cost-efficiency, and adaptability. By meticulously evaluating potential suppliers on these fronts, facilities managers can ensure that their premises are not only supplied with the best water but that they are also partnering with a supplier poised for a long, fruitful relationship.

A stream of water