Facilities Management UK (FMUK) is an industry-leading print magazine and digital news resource for those involved within facilities management.


Following in the footsteps of the UK Plastics Pact

Selection of wrapped fruit and vegUpdates from The UK Plastics Pact annual report show progress in the fight against single-use plastic, but how can others follow in their footsteps? Andrea Falco provides comment on how businesses can continue the good work.

Preparing Your Organisation for Re-opening: Duty of Care and Risk Mitigation

By Dr. Adrian Hyzler, Chief Medical Officer, Healix International

Toy figures of workers on a grid

Healix International works with multi-national corporations, NGOs and governments around the world to provide medical, security and travel assistance and help fulfil duty of care obligations.

The world has been on varying levels of pandemic lockdown for months now and one major question lingers for nations, communities and businesses alike - when should we re-open, and what do we need to do to be prepared?

Lanes Teams Support NHS Response To Coronavirus

Lanes CCTV camera unit at the SEC, Glasgow

Drainage engineers from Lanes Group plc have supported the creation of the NHS Louisa Jordan Hospital at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC) to treat patients, if necessary, during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Putting the Pro in Protective Footwear: the HAIX® Trekker Pro 2.0

Trekker Pro 2.0 protective footwear

HAIX®, specialist manufacturer of functional safety footwear, has committed to increased levels of comfort, support and protection with the latest addition to its work wear range – the Trekker Pro 2.0.

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